You or any member of your team can help resolve any customer issues that may come up by working within Mango's support tickets system.
There are mainly two ways new tickets can be opened within the support tickets system: You can open a new ticket for your customer, or your customer can open a new ticket from their account.
Once a new ticket is open, you and or any member of your team can easily communicate with your customer to help (request more information, share updates) resolve their issue(s).
This can be done by communicating via an open forum with your customers. Other members of your team, to whom any particular ticket is assigned can communicate with your customer in the same way.
Here is how you post new comments to an open ticket.
1. Log into your Mango account
2. Click on the "Support tickets" tab
3. Click on the Subject of the ticket you want to respond to
4. Write a new comment or update. You can use this field to request more information from your customer, share relevant files, videos, screenshots, etc.
Once you have added your new comment, you can click on the "Post" button. Your customer and any other team member associated with this particular ticket will receive an email notification to log into their account to see and respond to the open ticket.
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